Friday 20 January 2023

Dreadout 2 (PC) - Special Part

Part 1

Part 2

Special Part     

As i promised before that i would write this article about other interesting things in Dreadout 2. So here we are. I don't discover some of them and have to look this guy's video here. You should check it out!

1. The Movie Theater

Look at these movies! Dog in the Shell which is parody of Ghost in the Shell, Blood Will Shed which i believe is Blood Will Tell which is Playstation 2 video game based on Tezuka Osamu's (author of Atom Boy) Dororo, and Duet Maut (Deadly Duet) that i don't know what parody is that. This movie theater is based on the one near Braga Road and next to Merdeka (Independence in Indonesian) building where they held Asia-Africa conference in 1955! To be honest i never watch movie there because it's too far from my home.  

2. Happy Halloween

I play the game for review in October 2022 so it's natural to have Happy Halloween sign in this game. Moreover this is horror game. Most of us don't celebrate it but that doesn't stop developer to put this easter egg here. "May the undead terrorize you tonight". Yeah, thanks game for being jerk.

3. The Hunt For Red October Coffee Sachet


Here's my most favorite part in this game. In the middle of the night, the serpent's influence grow big, many people become possessed. One of them is the local security that i met in first part of review and he's blocking Linda's path to move further. The spirit that currently possessing him demands coffee and no you can't banish it with your camera because it's too powerful in this horrible night. So Linda doesn't have any choice but to brew coffee with hot water from nearby flask bottle and various instant coffee sachets that she can find around this market area.

First we have this "Ginseng Coffee Greng". I think this one is based on "Kopi Ginseng GK" brand.

Coffee Ginseng becomes trend around 2000. It's said that this type of coffee can enhance physical stamina and man's "vitality". Nowadays it's not as popular as it's used to but it's still around.    


Next is "The Golden Luwak". This one is easy to figure. It's parody of "Luwak White Koffie" brand. It's advertised widely to this day.

XYZ Moccacinno is parody of Neo Coffee Moccachino. Mocaccino become trends since around 2005 as Starbucks sets afoot first time in here, Indonesia. I think.

"Kapal Uap" brand here is also easy to identify. It's based on "Kapal Api" (Steamboat in Indonesian) brand that's my (late) father's favorite. The brand still exist and they even make the soft drink product of it. Although i'm tea person, i think the coffee soft drink tastes good for me.   

On the other hand this one is quite difficult to figure it out. I think this "Maung Coffee Mix" brand is based on ABC Mix kopi & gula (coffee & sugar in Indonesia), hinted by the carpet of coffee beans on the picture. I like the cartoonish silly picture of the tiger. Perhaps they're relative of Tigger from Winnie The Pooh. The imbecile ones, to be more precise.  


Kado buat Mama (English: Gift To Mommy)?  Sounds "suggestive" to me. I'm not sure about this one. Perhaps this is based on ABC kopi susu (milk coffee in Indonesia) replacing the cup of coffee with picture of topless guy with chiseled abs. Not going to lie, this one is "creepy".


This one is also hard. "Cikopay" brand here is probably based on "Top" coffee brand because both brand have letter "O"  in the center.

This is the only coffee that can make the ghost rest in peace. Before the patch, you have no hint this is the right coffee other than it's on the farthest place from  the possessed security. Now after the patch, you get hint in the coffee sachet "The finest please the dead".

There's local rumor that ghost love black coffee but there's like 4 of them here. You can't be sure which one is the correct one. So that hint on the patch really help to make the solution logical.

4. The Lost Child


Let's move to sad part. In Chapter 2, Linda is told to go to hospital the first time. You can find these mother and her boy. He is afraid to get shot but his mother will promise him a new doll if he can endure it.


After solving the incident on hospital, you can revisit the hospital and find the mother and his boy again. This time, she cheer him up with the promise of taking him to movie if he can endure the check up. He probably wants to watch the Dogs in the Shell.


But alas that doesn't happen because the kid is gone in chapter 4 and beyond. You can only see him with the camera and he's trying to comfort his mother even though she can't see or feel him. He's good kid.

5. Glitchy Security


At some point the local security does patrol in circle. Not even that speeding bastard can stop him from his determined routine. 5 credit for persistence but -2 credit for being useless. He should arrest that speeding hoodlums, they're threat to society or to be more precise to me at least. They killed me the other day for God's sake!  

6. Ghost Pocong Rider


Here's everybody's favorite fictional Indonesian ghost: pocong on motorcycle. He also appears in previous game as optional enemies too. But in this game, he has more elaborate story because he's on the optional quest list now. To start the quest, you have to eavesdrop the conversation between this unfortunate git and his friend. He claim that he was run over by some ghost on motorcycle in the middle of the night. He leaves thick blood trail along the way and his head still bandaged. I think he should go to hospital instead of drinking coffee in this cafe. But again that hospital has awful service so i let him does what he wants.


So i spend the time until midnight inside the cafe. It takes lots of patience for the pocong to show up moreover he moves pretty fast. Eventually, i can take picture of him speeding smugly. He drops his driving license upon successful photograph.  


After getting the driving license, there's new place that i can go from my phone application. Taking a bike taxi into unknown place in the middle of the night? Why not? Beside this mysterious place has rate of 4 out of 5 stars.  


This time, i'm not immediately go to the place like usual. I must go through the transition this time for some reason. Hey is that the pocong?


Suddenly the rider becomes Pocong! The way how it works is kind unintuitive. If you keep looking forward, nothing happens except looping traffic situation and a sighting of Pocong once in a while. The developer expects you to be surprised with the sighting and look to the sides to confirm it was Pocong and Bum! the rider changes.

He introduces himself as Dai "Speed" Irawan and he's here so he can talk to Linda about his story. He's lonely. His story is: her parents own a prestigious hotel and it went bankruptcy. They get lots of debt and such they fight a lot. Because his family becomes not harmony, Dai ran away from his home and later become famous street racer. One night he die on terrible accident in racing. He claims that there's giant green hand that about to grab him when he's about to finish the final lap. He dodges it but he crashed and died.    


After Linda hears Dai's story, the screen turns black and she ends up near his grave in Ciburial cemetery.

You think name "Burial" on cemetery is appropriate but actually Ciburial means "stirring water" in Sundanese. The reason of the name is because in that village there's a river with a turbulence that act like sinkhole. It's said whoever goes inside that sinkhole wouldn't survive due to how rapid the current is.

7. Worshiping The Dead


Since i'm in this cemetery might as well as pointing some interesting thing around here. First, we have this idiot who worship this dead spirit in exchange of winning lottery numbers. Sounds as stupid as it is, but it's real. These miserable idiots believe that they get hint of winning lottery numbers by praying to grave or big tree. They burn incense and offer flower and snack. Scout_misc09.wav

 8. Best Friend's Grave :(


This one also a sad moment. This kid cry over her best friend's grave. If you look it with camera phone, it's revealed that her best friend is kitty. So touching. :(

9. The Harmony


On more cheerful note, you can find this man playing guitar that can make cats and dog gather around in harmony. Sometime there's no music playing in Maung District and you should go to this guy, like i mean it. The absence of music is another bug that i found.

10. The Doll on The Tree


Ok. Let's go back to the cemetery. This tree with lots of dolls is one of Indonesian Urban Legend. Let me see.  


It's from Bandung, my own hometown? I never heard this legend before, i swear! I know the urban legend of haunted ambulance car (which also exist in this game), though. But i know where's that photo come from near Babakan Siliwangi City Forest! I recognize that art graffiti on the retaining wall. I know the too well.

It's said that The Lost Doll is found on the owner's grave. Creepy!

11. The Haunted Bridge


There's large area outside of Cienteh village which is another mandatory place to go for plot progression and you can find this creepy ghost lady on the rail of bridge. She turns her head 180o on you and then fall.  


Apparently, she's the evidence on urban legend of The Red Bridge which located in Surabaya. It's said that The Red Bridge become haunted because many people died there because of the Battle of Surabaya. It's battle between Indonesian militias and Indonesian National Army with British and alliance. It's caused by the death of Brigadier General Mallaby, a British officer. There's controversial part. Many history lesson books told that he was killed by our militias because he demands our sovereignty handed to British and their alliance. Naturally, we're upset about that. But i heard from one of my history lesson teacher that Mallaby is in our side and he acknowledges our sovereignty. However there's assassination on him from British side to provoke the war. Whatever the cause of Mallaby's death, the battle at Surabaya is legendary thanks to Bung (fella in Indonesia) Tomo who spark our soldier's morale.   

The photo got mixed up with the sweetheart from Ancol Bridge which located in Jakarta. The urban legend got mixed up! Anyway, the story is: In the age of Holland's colonization (around 1603 - 1800 BCE), there's a fair lady named Ariah (or Maryam). Her beauty captivate every man's heart who meet her. One of them is a rich man named Oey Tambahsia. He told he lackeys to kidnap her because he wants to make her concubine. However she resist and she ends up dead and fall from Ancol Bridge. She become wandering spirits because she wants to tell her body whereabouts to her mother and also possibly due to grudge over those gooks who murder her.

This urban legend has been adapted into 3 movies! 1973 movie,  1994 TV series and 2019 movie!   


That's it for the special review. There's still more interesting stuffs in the game. You can either play the game or watch the Youtube video above to find them out. Cheers!

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