Thursday, 5 December 2024

Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection Weapon Tier List

Recently, I replayed Capcom's Ghost 'n Goblin Resurrection (2021) just to finish Graveyard level in Legend difficulty. I thought the Legend difficulty is impossible 3 years ago. However, I manage to finish the first level in that hardest difficulty. It takes more or less an hour and 33 death count. Given, I use the shortcut to bypass my frenemy Red Arreemer/ Firebrand and also I restart the level in mid-level checkpoint to get the Thunderstorm magic and use it a lot. Then I wonder is there weapon tier list of this game. Apparently, there’s none in In fact, there’s no tierlist around the GnG Resurrection or even any GnG game. So, I decide to make this tier list along with the explanation. Hopefully, I can impart you with useful or fun information about all I know about the weapon in that soul-crushing difficult game. This should be short because there are only 8 weapons in total. So, here’s the tier list:

Everyone who’s very familiar with GnG series, certainly know that the torch/firebomb/holy water is the worst weapon and should be avoided at all cost and I quite agree with that. However, people may not agree on me about lance is slightly more favorable than the dagger. I may spark some riot in internet by saying this: dagger is quite overrated. I will explain the reason behind that controversial statement much later after you’re cooling down a bit. But let’s start from bottom to top.

Scrap Tier: Holy Water

As I said before. Every seasoned gamer know that holy water is terrible weapon. As opposed to in first Castlevania because the holy water in that classic Konami game, acts as secondary weapon not primary ones. Simon Belmont can still use his whip while the holy water still burning on the floor. Whereas Arthur practically defenseless until holy water disappears on the floor. Comparing to hammer, holy water is slightly better. There’s just a hair width in preference. First, holy water is projectile weapon although it travels in short arc. The second reason is advanced reason. Later in the game (and the 2nd loop of the game), there will be lighting mechanism. There are some candles on various spot. The lit candle will illuminate surround and make normal enemies visible around it. However, dark enemies will be semi-transparent around it. They can only be visible if they’re in dark area but normal enemies will be invisible there. So, you have to manage these candles. Holy Water is one of the weapons that can lit them. So, it has more function than just for combat.

If by accident (most likely) you get your hand on this bad weapon, I suggest you throw the projectile at the ground instead of directly at enemies. If holy water hits the ground, it creates holy flame that can cover Arthur. I believe this holy water is better than torch in first Ghost n Goblins. The flame last shorter and has the height of Arthur’s conveniently. Obviously, you should get replacement weapon as the opportunity arise. This holy water probably the best iteration of flame weapon throughout the series but it’s still bad weapon that you need to replace ASAP.

Scrap Tier: Hammer


I think hammer is probably the worst weapon even compare to sword in Ghouls n Ghosts. The sword doesn’t make any projectile but at least it swings fast and doesn’t make Arthur open to attack that often. If you happen to (accidentally) get hammer somehow, I suggest you hit the hammer on the ground instead to enemy directly. Much like holy water, hammer give you more benefit if you hit the ground or any obstacle with it because it will create shock blast when you do that. The blast can hit enemies surrounds Arthur which could be the saving grace besides the high attack power.

Other than that, this heavy weapon is trash as my tierlist suggested. The hammer’s performance is heavily relied on terrain situation. The hammer can be stuck to elevated platform. obstacle, or anything other than enemies. When the hammer gets stuck, it can be detrimental. The ideal of terrain situation for the hammer is in long flat ground which is not rare but that kind of terrain is barely crucial part of a stage. Besides the shock black, the hammer can create a blue projectile when you aim the hammer upward or when you jump which can be useful to hit flying enemies. But jumping too often makes you defenseless in this game or even throughout the entire series of GnG. In the official online manual, the projectile is called spark. But I still by my opinion that it’s wind because if you swing something, you make wind. I’m just saying.

OK Tier: Spiked Ball


I think this weapon is underrated although it’s pretty useful. I say that not because I have deep affection to Mega Rock trap in Kagero. But because I learn that the weapon is proven to be pretty reliable through from some crucial moments, although by pure coincidence. Those moments are when I was in waterfall area in execution ground level, Cerberus boss stage, and Dragon boss stage. The spiked ball’s performance depends on certain terrain condition. It works best at area with uneven platforms which is the polar opposite of Hammer’s situation. It rolls along the ground and it can skip gap a bit which make the weapon travel in versatile direction. The weakness of this weapon is: it travels pretty slow and has no flying height, except when you aim it up. Also, the weapon only allowed up to 2 projectiles on the screen at the time. This 2-projectiles limit also applied to other projectile weapons.

Good Tier: Lance    

The most iconic Arthur’s standard weapon in entire GnG series. It’s tested and true weapon of knighthood. Even though it has aerodynamic shape, I doubt anyone in real life can throw it smoothly like Arthur does. I don’t give you much detail for lance because I will compare it a lot with dagger so I save the analyze later. For now, I say that lance is pretty reliable and solid projectile weapon. It travels in straight line, has fairly high attack power, and doesn’t have any gimmick. It’s bit faster than spiked ball and has 2-projectiles limit. Moreover, it has high accessibility because -you know- it’s the starter weapon.  

Good Tier: Dagger


The moment you probably waiting for, in patience. dagger, the overrated weapon in GnG series. It gains popularity thank to Angry Video Game Nerd’s tips: Get the knife! Get the knife.    

So, the dagger. First thing that want I to say about it: I feel like it doesn’t add much of extra value over the lance. There’s -let’s just say- caveats or whatnot regarding dagger vs. lance in practical context. But let’s start with something simple: what dagger’s specialty? It travels very fast, probably twice faster than lance and even the fastest weapon that Arthur can have. The projectile limit for dagger is more than 2 units. Looking at VOD in Youtube, I guess the projectile limit is 3 units. Or maybe 4 units? Daggers fly alternatively between bit high and bit low. Kind of like Peashooter gun in Cuphead. This projectile pattern offers you just a bit of variety in firing angle. However, dagger has weaker attack power than lance. I can’t say for certain how much is the attack power. Maybe I can assume dagger’s power is half of lance’s. I think? I’m not sure.

Now, we move on to the practical context of dagger vs. lance. Let’s make the analysis into points so you can understand my argument better.

  • Both weapons can kill regular in one shot. Because lance has higher attack power that means lance is slightly inefficient against regular enemies because the attack power exceeds their health. Whereas dagger has just about right amount of power to kill them.
  • In close range situation where your projectile impossibly misses and you facing big enemy that needs more than one projectile to defeat, projectile speed and projectile limit don’t matter much. In this situation, attack power matters more. High attack power most likely guarantees your safety because you finish off enemy faster. Because of that, dagger is not efficient in close range combat. I mean you can mash the shoot button very fast and secure your safety reliably but still using lance is better way. You probably ask when this close range situation happens? I can give you 2 examples in graveyard level. First is where you fight 4 big maneater plants among tree branches. Second is the Cyclops boss. Believe it or not, I defeat him in Legend difficulty within first try and I thank lance for that. I remember it very clearly because I did that recently like 3 days ago.

In conclusion. There’s situation where dagger is better than lance and vice versa. For long range shooting, dagger is more suitable. For close combat, lance is more suitable. Even though I still stand by my statement that dagger is overrated. That doesn’t mean I’m saying AVGN is liar or anything. I believe he speaks honestly from his experience and I respect that. What I want to convey is you don’t have to rush getting the knife that bad. Rushing is the key to failure in GnG game afterall. On contrary, I suggest you rush getting the umbral bee instead. It’s more important than dagger, believe me. Unless you have the scrap-tier weapons.   

Good Tier: Shield

Shield probably the worst weapon in this tier. But it’s still good weapon nonetheless. It travels in limited range however it can block enemy’s projectile. It’s weapon with more defensive capability than for offensive. In GnG Resurrection (or even other GnG game), enemies can take potshot at you in every corner or angle. You can’t fight them back with this weapon but you can deny their projectiles though while also can attack approaching enemies. It’s weapon with unique defensive gimmick but it’s not as strong as lance.

For your additional information, this weapon exists in first GnG as either heater shield or cross (in uncensored version of the game). It’s mandatory weapon to achieve the true ending of the game. So, the shield weapon has high historical value.

Favorite Tier: Crossbow

Weapon that I consider the best in GnG Resurrection is the crossbow. This probably hot take since I like crossbow over dagger. But hear me out. Remember when I said that “Enemies can take potshot on you in every corner or angle”? With crossbow you can fight them back since your attack has more angle than any straight-line weapon including dagger. But enemy’s projectile can pass through obstacles and crossbow can’t. Can’t do nothing about that except with Thunderstorm magic. Since the crossbow shoot fire arrow. It can be used to lit candle besides the holy water. Obviously, crossbow has its weakness and that’s pretty simple: it doesn’t shoot arrow forward straight line. It shoots 2 arrows in diagonal up and down direction. I think each arrow has same power as dagger but with slower projectile speed. Also, it has the 2 projectiles limitation. On each direction, I mean. So, you can have total 4 arrow on the screen at the time. The absence of straight shot, is apparent when I was in prison’s corridor in Crystaline City where I encounter lots of ogre. However, with crossbow, I can score headshot more easily.

In any GnG game, I’m certainly happy when I get my hands on crossbow. It gets some various version. Here’s the variation:


The crossbow first appears in SNES exclusive GnG game: Super Ghouls n Ghosts as you can see in the middle screenshot. The arrow pattern probably the worst because it’s 2 arrows fly in diagonal up direction with 2 kinds of angle. But since bosses in that SNES game have same weak point: their head. The redundant angle of the arrow’s pattern, works favorably. Also, you can hit Red Arreemer/Firebrand in the easiest way if you use the crossbow.

The second version of crossbow is in Ultimate Ghosts 'N Goblins (exclusive on Sony PSP). It has the common 3-way arrow pattern, probably the best iteration. Also, this crossbow is the most deliberately visualized. Not only you can see the crossbow in detail but also Arthur’s stance is similar to someone holding crossbow for real. As for other version of crossbow, Capcom just use the same weapon throwing animation. Even the version in SGnG, Capcom don’t bother making Arthur holding crossbow. He just throws the arrows, I guess?  

Lastly, the latest version which is in this game GnG Resurrection. It fires less arrow than in Ultimate GnG but still viable. You can mitigate the lack of straight arrow by simply crouching while firing the crossbow. Overall, crossbow is my all-time most favorite weapon in GnG series.

Favorite Tier: Discuss

Finally, there’s discuss which is first introduced in the 2nd game: Ghouls n Ghost. Discuss is just bit less preferable than crossbow. It’s kind of mixed between lance and spiked ball. It can fly in straight line and also along the terrain. Discuss offer you more firing angle but depends on the terrain situation unlike crossbow that’s not affected by any terrain. Another discuss’ weakness is it’s slightly weaker than lance. Nonetheless, I still like discuss weapon.


So, there you go! My tierlist about GnG Resurrection weapons. I hope that this list is useful to you should you dare enough to play the game. If you don’t agree with my tier list here, I encourage you to make your own version and you can share it to me. I love to know your version of the tier list.

I may make weapon tier list of other GnG game. You can look forward to that in future.


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