There's true story about my
vacation on last December: in some recreation place, i was able to shoot the
target seven times with airsoft gun. My prize: 1 free pass to 'flying fox'
course and it's not fun. Perhaps i have talent for playing airsoft gun or
survival game? Anyway, there's videogame about survival game: I'MAX's Ball
Bullet Gun (1995).

Why the 'U' melts down? Beats me.
The game only releases in Japan and i play its version that's translated by
someone named 'Aeon Genesis'. For those of you who doesn't know about 'survival
game', it's sport that using airsoft gun that often replica of real gun and
played in group. So it's airsoft gun sport, not game about preserving your own
survival against hostiles (most commonly zombie) with limited resources. I hope
you're not entirely disappointed for that.
As i'm alone play this game, i
hit '1 player' option. But it leads me to team making, because there isn't any
team currently. So i have to make one first, before we get started.
Because there's no selection of fat
middle-aged man with curly hair like dried noodle for leader character. So i
leave the leadership to Aliasse from Valkyria
Chronicles 2, instead of myself. She's a Valkyrur. She got fairly good
reputation. The leader has access to entire arsenal and have skill to view overall
data of ally units.
As for the rest of the team, they're
categorized into 4 type/class. Attacker is the most balanced; has skill
"Pineapple" which throws frag grenade; and allowed to have weapon
type: assault rifle, handgun, knife, and shotgun. Task Force has most AP
(Action Point) thus allowing to do many moves and shoots which behave like
*ughh* scout; has skill "Trap" which sets bear trap or explosive
trap; and allowed to have weapon type: assault rifle, handgun,
auto-handgun/SMG, and knife. Defender has most Hitpoints and evasion; has skill
"Recover" which heals nearby all including him/herself; and allowed
to have weapon type: assault rifle, handgun, and auto-handgun/SMG. Sniper is
-as we all know- excel at shooting from long range; has skill "Point Shoot"
which set own accuracy to 99%; and allowed to have weapon type: semi-auto
rifle/sniper rifle, and handgun.
intensive research for inspirations and character editing ...
All right. Below Aliasse from top
to bottom, we have: Rebecca Chamber from Resident
Evil; Ramirez, my rifleman buddy from Ghost
Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 (PC); DoomGuy from -you know- (classic) Doom; Haruna from Battle Moon War; Sniper, my 3rd favorite class in Team
Fortress 2; Flash from G.I Joe;
and finally Jinn Hayakawa from Gundhara
(Arcade). Actually, i really like to enlist my sniper buddy from Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 (PC),
he's really awesome. Just imagine that he can dispatches enemies from more than
50 meters away by using MP5 SMG. It's bug/glitch, i know. Sadly, i forgot his
name. I did research via its wiki and turn out that it's she and my memory
refuses to acknowledge that. If you happen to have played the game, i really
appreciate it if you willing to confirm that via comment. By the way, i name
the team "Stray Bullets" because it consist of crossover characters
that somehow ended up here. Not to depict how terrible their aim are.
As for team editor menu: 'Type'
is to make new member from square one, 'Name' is to change name's member,
'Outfit' is to change member's weapon also to view his/her stats, and 'End' to
end the editing. Once you press the 'End', you can't change member's type
later, only name and equipment.
First mission: 2 on 2 against
team called "Little Apple". Pfhah! What a puny name. The leader (on the right)
is really cocky as he keep shaking his hand with his index finger ups, like
"You can't beat us."
Aliasse along with DoomGuy are up
to the task. To order unit move the cursor to the unit you want to control and
press 'A' button. Beside move, special (skill) and shoot command, there's 'search'
which allow controlled unit to change facing or to look farther , disclosing
more fog of war at the cost of 1 AP. My strategy is: Aliasse in the back of
DoomGuy as he's tough guy and able to heal. Also with current equipment, she's
Before the shooting begins,
there's this analysis. Hit & evasion factor is i can easily understand.
While topography and direction are quite unperceivable. Is 'D' for topography
(which i assume is where the target is standing) means bad for evasion or the
otherwise? Is 'A' for direction (which is target's facing direction) means good
for evasion or the otherwise? Thing for sure: Hit 55% will results in pretty
accurate shoot. Plus, DoomGuy using M-16 which shoot more than single bullet.
So i'm getting confident that he can beats this "Little Apple" guy.
By the way, you don't have to worry about enemy's retaliation or counter.
Because there's none. So feel free to shoot while you can.
He's definitely no
match for DoomGuy. That means 1 more victim. Pressing 'Y' button will bring
menu of 'Map', 'Turn End', or 'Save End' (which is other word for save &
Here's nice feature that makes
you feel tense. During enemy's turn, you don't exactly see their action in map
where you order your team. Instead, the game presents you with this
theater-like intermission. You may only know their action like moving,
shooting, or setting trap in this screen. While you have to rely on your team's
observation to know enemy's position. So team's position and face direction are
vital in this game.
My strategy is success! I let
DoomGuy goes ahead first so he will be targeted and soon with combined fire,
the enemy can be dispatched quite easily. You may notice that unit's HP is in
single digit which is considered very small in RPG. But here, successful attack
only worth 1 point. So this game's emphasizes more on evasion and accuracy. You
don't need to worry about attack power and defense power, here. So you can
consider DoomGuy is really beefy (his HP is twice than enemy's attacker) and he
can heal around. His healing only recovers 1 point but still much better than
no healing at all.
Winning the battle earns us
Desert Eagle, the famous magnum handgun. Nice!
Furthermore, Aliasse got leveled
up. Actually, there's no level on any unit. It just Aliasse got increment on her
evasion for doing excellent in this mission. I have played this mission twice
before this, in which Aliasse doesn't survive till the end. She's fragile in
this game. Then we got only the Desert Eagle. So there's chance that the leader
will get upgrade by doing mission perfectly.
I figure i have to check our loot
immediately also it's perfect time to talk about the weapon's specification. It
quite late, i know. On right-bottom corner, there's weapon's effective range radius.
The center-bottom block indicates the unit who equip it. White blocks indicates
area where the weapon can't be shot at all. AP indicates AP cost to shoot the
weapon. 1Shot indicates how many bullet will be shot consecutively per shoot.
SMG/assault rifle/semi-auto handgun often have range on 1Shot. For example: 1-4
means on every shoot, the weapon will shoot 1 to 4 and determined randomly/by
chance. While shotgun has extra indication for amount of bullet shot
simultaneously per shoot. Capacity indicates capacity of weapon's magazine.
Charge AP indicates AP cost to reload the weapon. Weight is important stats
because it directly affects the unit's max AP. I mean: weight's number will
reduce unit's max AP to equip. Which means lighter weapon will reduce wielder's
max AP less.
Next mission is our 1st
handicapped battle: 2 on 3. Also 1st mission with "Bring the team to this
spot" objective.
Should you forget what your
current weapon's effective range. The game tells you a gist of it. Like that
small 'B' letter. You may think that this area is inappropriate for semi-auto
rifle warfare. And you're right. That sniper and Aliasse are burden on their
team. Further explanation: semi-auto rifle can only shoot in long range and
shot 1 bullet per shoot only. Yes, it tend to be accurate. But that accuracy
and long range advantage are useless in this situation. So anything but sniper
rifle is perfect to use here. Luckily Aliasse brings along semi-auto handgun
which makes her less burdening. I have to say that this urban warfare situation
is quite fit to real life combat.
Aliasse downs during combat with
2nd enemy. But DoomGuy manages to dispatch him and this last guy by himself.
It's not miracle, everyone. He's DoomGuy. He slays dozens of Cacodemon before
breakfast. And for it, he eat Supercharge instead of cereal or porridge.
We got fairly low score, mainly
not because there's a casualty. But i think it's more down to low (objective) point as none
of my team is get in the target point. The mission is automatically over when
our enemies are all taken down. But we got Ingram and 'cat symbol' rank, this
time. I'm happy enough for that.
Next mission is 4 on 4. Either
eliminate all enemies or shoot down all their cans, to win this mission. On this
opportunity, i bring Rebecca and Ramirez. My plan: seek and destroy. Ignoring
our cans. That sounds like reckless battle plan, right?
If the enemy is near an ally but not within his/her vision, he/she
say like "I think i heard something" or "I feel there's enemy
nearby". Also he/she say "It seems the enemy is circling around"
or "I lost him. Sorry" if enemy is out of his/her sight. Again, it's
nice feature that makes you tense during enemy's turn.
I'm late to realize that Pressing
'Y' button will also gives you information about selected terrain block. For
example this skeleton is an obstacle that unit can't walk into but can pass
bullet and search vision. Giving how kiddy the presentation of this game, i
assume these skeletons are made on plastic and has "Made in China"
writing on the back of their head.
I think you want to see how the
shoot-y action going on, so i present you this screenshot. The bullets are
yellow orb things like common projectile in any shooter action game like Mercs. These liven up the title: Ball Bullet Gun, you see.
My plan is considerably success.
Everyone's happy to achieve victory. But Rebecca seems bit confused. Because
with that kind of scary place, she's expecting to shoot zombies, instead of
normal humans.
For clearing the mission, we got
XM177 assault rifle. But that's more like M4A1 carbine to me.
Next mission is set on another
office building but this time against Green Army, which i assume to be tougher
than Little Apple, according to team's name. Sometime, ally says something
creepy like "It's too here" for no reason. And if there's only one
ally standing left, he/she says "My heart is beating fast" or
"My pulse is racing". Once again it's great atmospheric feature.
Look what we got here! We have
the Snake that's can be easily detected by us. He's clearly disgrace to any
Snake on Metal Gear series. Besides
Gas Snake in P.O.W.
They managed to get rid of enemy
that carries UZI which is the most lethal enemy in this "narrow
place" situation. Good job! By the way, where's the employees go? It's
still 00:20 PM. The lazy sods.
Clearing the mission with really
high point only earn us Beretta handgun. I suspect that the leveling-up part
only happen in some mission. So there's target to replay the mission presumably
with higher score.
It's very late of me to realize that: on this pre-battle screen,
you can identify enemy's team with quite detail. The ones carrying rifle
diagonal sideway are sniper. The one carrying smaller gun (right-top one)
carries SMG. The one carrying bigger gun (right-bottom one) carries assault
rifle. Also, this time enemy has Defender too! By the way is 5 on 6 battle. So
i can carry all 5 type of ally which means...
...Yes, there's The Sniper. He's
surely better sniper than Aliasse. He's my 2nd favorite member after DoomGuy. I
split the team into 2 group that cover north area and south area. Sniper and Haruna are 1st group while the
rest are 2nd group.
Here i make the biggest mistake
after sending DoomGuy too far which makes him goes down pretty immediately
(that also mean we no longer have healer): i make Jinn to shoot that
tight-packed group of enemy, instead of using his skill to throw grenade. My
stupidity is paid hardly on enemy's turn: one of them there using that skill
and makes Jinn nearly K.O. Luckily on next turn they can be dispatched just in
On the north side, Haruna manage
to shoot down the can while Sniper keep eyes on east. But enemy's leader manage
to hit Haruna and immediately run. Darn!
You can't be a great sniper
without a skill to enhance your accuracy. At cost of extra 1 AP, Sniper can
precisely hit enemy leader which is within his range.
Jinn is out. Unexpectedly, Haruna can finish the last 2 enemies
there, just in time. I revised my opinion on usefulness of 'Task Force' type.
She may doesn't have great sight range. But her many AP and her SMG makes her a
great savior on this last moment.
Yeah, i know that "sniping
is a good job", sniper. But i believe the real MVP for this mission goes
to Haruna. While on previous missions: DoomGuy. It's purely my fault.
Nonetheless, great job, everyone! (:
Besides another "cat
symbol" rank, we got the legendary SMG: MP5! Medic_mvm_loot_godlike03.wav
And their defender join the group.
I believe DoomGuy has more charm than you Acheron. So you often end up in
reserve bench. I'm sorry. Wait! You can do healing too?! Welcome, aboard!
That's few hours of my
playthrough on Ball Bullet Gun. I
don't experience many Tactical Strategy game like this. In fact, only 2 besides
it: Valkyria Chronicles 2 and Silent Storm. I can say that BBG is more enjoyable than those two. It
can be unforgiving, like one mis-step can prove fatal, or your unit tend to
miss his/her shoot a lot even though the hit % is considerably high. But that's
common for game of that genre. I mean: tell me a game like this that has soft easy
difficulty! I don't think you can. I'm certain that BBG is the simpler game than any Tactical Strategy game in term of
gameplay. You don't need to worry about stances, experience grinding, money
grinding, counter attacks, or traits/personality. It's all about
accuracy/evasion, positioning, AP management, sighting, and proper armament. Ally's
casualty doesn't makes you get sever penalty, it only affects points in end-mission
assessment. The graphics are beautiful and cute. The same goes to music, which
akin to the ones in Crusader of Centy, only much softer. My only biggest
problem: it lacks of further character editing. At least i want to change color
of character's hair, hat, or helmet.
My perception is pretty obvious. I really like
this game and you should try it too. You can make and order chibi DoomGuy here.
Is that not good enough to you? Also, i like to recommend you to watch Sabagebu! anime which is related to Survival
Game too. Just be aware that the protagonist's personality grows vile on each
episode and it contains explicit "Yuri".
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