Happy new year, everyone! It's
late i know. You know what else that late? 2018 review article that i write now.
But they said "Better late than nothing". Without further ado, here's
12 MVPs (Most valuable pictures) and top/most-viewed 12 articles!
I) MVP (Most
Valuable Pictures)

Dragon's Fury is Pinball game
that has janky physique, on Sega Genesis. In addition with quite unsettling
music and graphic, this pinball game is tedious for me to play. It pays off,
when i manage to go to bonus stage 1 (through tedious process). This stage
lives up the title well. 5 Headed dragon as enemy and other 2 as flipper's
side. There's also eggs of (presumably) dragon. I feel really satisfied here.
If you pull the flippers up, you can see them as horn on the dragon. Remarkable!
Here, i practice what that old
man teach me: sword throwing, to himself. He deserves this as he puts price on
such essential skill lesson like this. Sadly, i can't harm him as it's within
101 Conventional Japanese Game Rule that "Player can't damage NPC at
all". What a pity.
Ball Bullet Gun is tactic RPG
about airsoft gun sport. In this mission, my team is assigned to protect this can
and knock enemy's. My team consist of Aliasse (from Valkyria Chronicle 2),
DoomGuy, Haruna (from Battle Moon War), that buckteeth guy who i don't remember
his name (turns out he's Jinn Hayakawa from Gundhara although the similarity
only 70%), and the star of this picture is no other than Mr. Mundee A.K.A
Sniper from Team Fortress 2. Cm_sniper_summary_callout_01.mp3
It's very rare moment that Ryougi
Shiki who is often in dark expression, is smiling heartily. Enjoy this picture,
After fateful battle against
Gordian and smashing the dark orb, me and my best battle buddy the Lizardman
watch the sunset together. We deserve this precious moment for we have save the
6 & 7. Berlin Wall (Arcade)
Some of profit from Berlin Wall
game will be donated to Berlin Wall's victim or so the game said. The game use
real photos as background. Here is one of them before obstructed with game's
stage. I think this is the best photo as it shows people gather round to
declare "Come together", neither wall nor cold war's ideologies
between them. They just want to be together as whole German.
On contradict with previous moment, this one is just straight goofy
moment. The cartoon guy wants to break the wall by ramming it with his car and
he fails. Maybe he should use battle ram to do that instead of car. That way, he
will success. Maybe.
It seems obvious that the lizards
don't want the magic rat to be their leader thus they commit mass suicide by
throwing themselves into lava pool. If only they have more either patience or
faith on me, they will still alive as i will win over that magic bastard for
Of course, i pick this moment as
MVP. Such explosive opening. So Hollywood-esque. Come to think of it, they
should make live action movie of Contra. Specifically this one. Or maybe not.
As there's trend of live action movie is worse than the origin nowadays.
Here's special picture outside of
the article. A boss fight versus stealth tank. "Stealth tank? But i can
see it". Yes, that's because its stealth technology is still flawed. It
turns visible if pass through waters. But it's still formidable foe thank to
its ability to regain its hitpoints by devouring sheep in this area. By the way
the bastard who's on the tank, is named Captain Anthrax. Very funny.
11. Cabal (Arcade)
The last MVP goes to this GIF.
He's over-celebrating his victory, i know. But let him prancing around like no
worries like that! He deserves it.
Twinkle Star Sprites is versus
vertical shooter game with anime-ish character, beautiful visual effect, engaging gameplay, and gorgeous background.
The example of the latter is this pond that has shape of fish. Whether this is
fishing pond or swimming pool for the penguins is you to decide. Or maybe both.
Who knows? The penguins, obviously.
II) The Top
12 Articles
Number 12 goes to this article
that discuss some of siege engine, a unit of shooter that consist of 2 men that
have faith in each other, some formless creatures, hydra, and this Fantasy
General's version of Hog Rider. Maybe boar isn't as strong runner as horse but
still legit riding animal though it's wild to tame. See Crash rides one in
Crash Bandicoot.
His city is full of criminals,
circus renegades, and zoo runaways, it's up to Duke Davis to clean them with
not-so-sophisticated martial art and pure bravery. Sadly the game doesn't
feature either password or save. So i finish it with savestate. But it's quite
Ah, yes. In this playthrough we
learn that Deadeye Joe is tsundere. Really funny. I love this article.
Metamorphic Force is Altered
Beast that get transformation of Konami's beat 'em up. Or so i think. Also you
can beat pink elephantmen to your heart content there.
I quite don't understand why quite
lots of people read this article beside its promising title. The game itself is
aggravating digital pinball. I find the entertainment only in some part of it
including fighting the multi-headed dragon (that i have shown you in MVP part)
and breaking evil vases here. Just look at them! They have evil smile face.
They're up to something no good.
One of my goal of writing article
is to spread info about relatively obscured good games. And BBG is one of them.
I mean you can put DoomGuy and Sniper in one airsoft gun team. So that's solid
proof that's good although they're made chibi.
There's 3 ticket-earning games
that i regard them as interesting: Galaga remake, that one cute gallery shooter
involve monsters, and Chicken Farm. While others is just dumb simple yet bland.
But ticket-earning game's audience is usually young children not for real gamer,
i know. In Chicken Farm, you can roast chicks or drown them in waste sludge,
which spark psychopath sense in you. That's horrible reason. Spy_specialcompleted02.wav
The game starring the famous
Warner Bros's Roadrunner and Coyote. So no wonder, lots of people read article
about it. The game can be either difficult or quite easy, depend on who do you
pick as. Wile E. Coyote is the hard mode while the roadrunner is the opposite.
Who say it's easy being predator that has prey that runs really fast?
Thank you, captain obvious. Ehm. Well,
Dyna Gear is about a time police, who teams up with local werewolf, to fight a
criminal in prehistoric age. The action is totally blast and fast, which is
solid trademark of arcade games. On top of that, it's pretty damn good.
Magic sword is also an arcade
game that packed with blast action but more tedious. Also MS has repetitive
boss: flying dragon and chimera. Capcom should name this game "Tower and
Dragons and Chimeras". I really mean it. -_-
With medium margin with its
sequel, the 1st edition of Fantasy General got more reader. I can see that as
it features Elephant with steam cannon...
...and the silliest idea of
aerial bomber. No wonder the article is considered more famous than its sequel.
I think people read this article,
hoping for enclosure of unspeakable Wars/Nintendo Wars game in SNES. They must
be disappointed. Because despite of the title contain world 'War' or the game
is military turn-based tactic, it's not one of Wars/Nintendo Wars series. Also,
i feel that its strategy aspect is rough as primitive obsidian blade. All you
need to do is park one of your disposable unit in strategic terrain and keep
your heavy tanks carefully.
This game is probably the closest
Zelda game on Genesis so Crusader of Centy has quite reputation. Unlike Link,
the protagonist get accompanied by flying squirrel named Cecille (who is
probably reincarnation of Final Fantasy 4's Dark Knight/Paladin), Nessy,
Leviathan, Cat, and Dodo. Also he can talks to animal and young Alice Margatroid
has feeling on him. Anyway, can Link hides inside toilet like this? I'll bet he
can't. Nintendo disapprove revolting action like this.
This is quite what i expect as
this article is for the 1st Birthday of my very blogger site. Also, i'm quite
happy that Team Buddies got read by many people as it's obscured yet great game
on PSX. It's considered rare as it comes out in 2000 where PS 2 is out and most
people shift to play the console, abandoning its predecessor. That makes me sad
as my father -to be honest- are stingy to buy updated console. Anyway, Team
Buddies has creative gameplay. It's action shooting and RTS combined. Also,
this game allows you to bombard wild lions with F117 stealth bomber. No other
game can do that.
We know that zombies are slow
thus not so appropriate as Lightgun shooter enemies because the game will be
too easy. But Sega proves that wrong with The House of The Dead series. They
make the shooting are relatively narrow and the camera moves fast, to make up
the zombie's nature being slow as molasses. This ingenuity amazes me. I test
some of them in either real arcade cabinet or my PC. I played the 2nd on the
series in original mode where you will get items along the way for next
playthrough which add replayability. You know what? That idea is well applied
and fine. The items range from simple novelty (like civilian custom) to totally
useful (infinite continue). Demoman_positivevocalization02.wav
I'll be honest. This is totally
unexpected. This article is by far has the most reader counts. Even surpass the
#1 in previous year: Battle Moon War (PC) - part 2. Funny thing is the sequel
of this article has much much less reader. Maybe i'm bad at making conclusion
or sort like that. I thought there was error or hack on view count of this article. But that seems really unlikely. Who want to hack this obscured blogger site? Exactly. Anyway, Radical Rex is fire-breathing small T-Rex which i
think is interesting design so it's reasonable that this article is the number
1 top article this year.
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